dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

Saturday 7 May 2011

Break Up Note

She could hardly stand she was shaking so bad. Her mind racing and regret eating away at her insides. He would be home in a few minutes, she still had time to forget about the whole thing.Still had time to rethink what she was doing. Even though in her heart she knew this was a cruel thing to do to a man that loved her with his whole heart, but she was intent on doing this. She had to do this! She promise before she heard the key turn in the lock that she would do this and she wouldn't back out of it...

   The door clicked open. The woman put her head in her hands and sat on the edge of the sofa. 'Hey Honey! I'm back from work. Are you home?' The man shouted down the hall. She heard the sound of the door click shut and footsteps to the room she was sitting in. 'Rose?' The man whispered standing in the entrance of the room. She slowly looked up, tears staining her pale skin. 'Rose!' He said again but louder. 'Whats wrong and whats...' His eyes drifted to the suitcases in the middle of the room, cutting his sentence short.
   'Rose whats going on?' He whispered faintly. She slowly stood up and looked into the confused face of her boyfriend. 'I'm leaving' She finally said not able to look him in the eyes.
What?!' He cried, sliver tears suddenly welling in his wide blue eyes.
'I can't do this anymore' She said blandly and picked up her suitcases. Sudden helplessness came over the man as tears began to slitter down his face. 'Please! what have i done to upset you? I thought you were happy? where are you going? Don't you love me anymore?' He asked with pleading eyes. Rose felt her heart twist as a dagger of guilt plunged into it. She turned away and stared down at her suit cases. 'you've met someone else haven't you?!' His voice quivered with anger. 'Who is it?' He shouted at her grabbing her arm.
'ouch! your hurting me! get off!' She yelped as his nails bit into her skin sending blood dripping in a stream down her arm. 'You will not and you cannot leave me!' He yelled in her face. Rose's eyes widened with fear as she suddenly realised she had made a terrible mistake.
      'I lied!' Rose whimpered 'I'm not leaving just please let go of me!' His eyes became dark pits of hate and the man Rose knew no longer lived in the hating monster before her now. 'You've been with him here!' He shouted digging his claws in tighter and tighter.
'No! No!' She cried as her knees gave way and she fell hard to the floor. Her arm was now dripping with crimson blood. She watched as it cascaded onto the floor like a red waterfall, her stomach clenching at the sight and her vision starting to go hazy. 'I can smell him on you!' He spat at her. In a sudden move he released her arm only to quickly grab a hand full of hair keeping her from escaping. 'Please!' she screamed.
  He dragged her through the hall by her hair. She screamed in protest and kicked and lashed out as best she could, but he was too strong. He pushed her into the bathroom and locked the door behind them, taking the key out the door and in his pocket. She backed up against the wall. 'please, please. I didn't, I don't..' She Stammered. None of her words would go together and she couldn't remember why she was here and her body was slowly going numb, it all just felt like a bad dream. She watched as he put the plug in the bath and turned on both taps. The sound of the water crashing into the pure white bath hurt her head.
   He walked up to her and looked into her eyes 'Don't worry,' He whispered 'I'll clean you of him.' He knelt down next to her and took her blood soaked hand 'Your mine forever,' A evil smile crept onto his face and made the very core of Rose's body shiver. 'There is no other man!' She shouted as she started to realised what was happening. He stood up. His face plagued with hate. 'I made it up! She shouted.
'Lier!' He snapped and swung his fist at her head. The force of the blow knocked her over into the side of the bath. Her head spun and throbbed where she had hit it and stung when he had hit her. She looked at the side of the bath and gasped to see a red stain where her head had been. Everything was shaking and nothing would go into focus for more than a minute. 'Please stop this' She whispered, suddenly tasting the warm metallic taste of blood seep into her mouth.
    He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her in front of the bath. 'You will always be mine and no other man can have you' He whispered into her ear softly. A small drop of blood dripped from her mouth into the clear water that was now flowing over the bath. 'Please' She tried. He kissed her forehead. 'Ap...' She started but he pushed her head hard down into the water. She kicked her legs trying to hit him but his hold on her didn't allow her to move. she pushed hard against his hand and clawed at his iron grip with her nails. water was being splashed everywhere in her struggle and once she realised his grip was too stop she just kicked and tried to find the plug with her hands. Her sight was fuzzy and getting darker and darker. Her lungs were gasping for air and heaved as she struggled against him more. Her limbs became harded to move and her lungs were burning. Screaming in pain. Her hand grasped around the chain attached to the plug but all her muscles were shutting down. She tried as hard a she could but her hand wouldn't close around the chain. She just couldn't muster the energy to fight anymore. She closed her eyes and let the water enclose her completely. She breathed in and the water gushed into her lungs sealing her fate.

     He left the body in the bath which was now filled with bright red water. He felt nothing. He slowly walked to the living room and sat on the sofa, staring at the suitcases. The question why lingered in his head. Anger poured out of him and he kicked the suitcase hard and turned to leave. There was the sound of the case click open. He turned suddenly realising there may be a clue to why, in one of the suit cases. As he turned, his heart suddenly skipped a beat and his blood ran ice cold, for in the middle of the floor lay an open suit case. Inside there was no clothes or personal belonging. All the suit case had in it was hundreds of bright red rose petals. He sat by the suitcase and just stared. What did it mean? He unlatched the hook on the other suit case and what he saw when he opened it made his stomach twist into a knot and his heart rip into two. The suit case was once again full of hundreds of rose petals but this time a small piece of paper lay on top of them, with the words, written in Rose's hand writing, 'APRIL FOOLS'