dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Red Velvet Lined With Lies

    Who could suspect the woman in the velvet red dress. who captivates her audience at dinner party's with witty small talk and well rehearsed anecdotes. She could mealy stand before the table in her magnificence and stun her guests with her angle like body, Shimmering hair weaved from the light of the stars, or even her powdered white face, background to her soft blood red lips. She seduced the men and charmed the ladies. Fluttering her long black eyelashes to the man on the chair opposite.
     When asked of her plans for the years ahead, she paused. Bite her lip softly and flicks her hair. Answering with gleaming confidence and a sense of accomplishment, 'I'm already in my future,' She laughed in a honey glazed voice. 'With 5 star roles under my belt and a bafta pending for best actress, i think my job seeking is complete.' Her dining guests laughed and fell in ore of the perfect being sat with them. She paused again. 'Although,' she whispered, her head bowed down.'I'm not feeling my job as much as i use to, the rush of the set, the buzz of the camera. Its affects on me seem to wear thing..'
     A small red haired woman with a bland face rested her hand on the shoulder of their heavenly host, 'is there something that bothers you?'
'Or perhaps you need a new challenge, a different character to play?' A square chinned man added from across the table. 'Or maybe a different job might suit you better' remarked a plum, red-faced chap who clearly was sat too far up his own ass. The woman in the velvet red dress looked up upon hearing this and looked the pompus cat up and down. The guests turned to look at this man too, in seeing their host cast cold eyes upon him.
    'Your quite right my dear fellow!' a wicked grin creeping on to her Innocent face. She stood, taking up a wine glass in hand. 'Too long have i spent my life doing something that only skims the knife. I thought to my self as i lay awake last night. I must find a job that will give me a thrill far more than any drug type pill. Something to put me on the edge of life but keep me going with my fast pace life.' She paused once again, clocking each reaction her guest held on them selves.
     'I dreamt of the thing that will lead me to salvation and let me leave behind this abomination, of a life. For i saw the future and let it seep into my bones and its all i can think of above the normal tones, of this life!' 'I'm tired of the seemingly endless stream of crap which flows from your mouths and onto your laps! Your idol chatter of  the celeb we should hex or even the 'Hot gossip' of who's having sex. Your like animals and rumors your prey, doing anything you can for six chunks of meat a day. Then you swan in here, feeling mighty important for being called to dine with a star like me. Trying to impress me with your pathetic little lives! when i don't really care if your dead or your alive. I found my new line of work most exhilarating! and i think you'll agree its a bafta winning performance from me. For tonight you have all been part of my new job experience and the results are amazing! lacking the appearance, of the substance needed to complete this evening's lie, but worry not for all of you will die! I used rat poison instead of the acid i had hoped to wed, to the food at this table.'
'What?!' Choked the plump extremely red faced man.
'My dear did your mother never say, don't interrupt unless you have a contribution to make! you all will now be feeling the poison eating away your insides, which i gather isn't a pleasant feeling seen as your all on the floor clutching your sides.' The woman in the velvet red dress swept across the dining room hall and stopped at the door. 'Well, it was a marvellous evening that satisfied my thirst, I would ask you to do it again sometime but somehow i doubt you'll have the time, for attending anymore dinner party's, or life for that matter!'
    Seeing their host turn from angel to devil cause all the guest to fall into shock, although the poison in thier gut added to thier pain. A woman with a mask of make up reached up to her host, spluttering out blood as she gasped for air. 'You'll never get away with this, you hear!'
     The woman in the velvet red dress knelt by the woman and touched her cheek, 'I already have my dear.' With a flash of red and glance back on her guests, the innocent woman refilled her eyes. She laughed menacingly and with one mighty push the door slammed shut and the final sound the dinners heard. Was the sound of their favoured host walking back into her fake world.

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