dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

Friday 19 November 2010

Dead girl walking

     I walked through the pitch black streets. Scared and alone. I wouldn't have minded if I had been with my friends still, but they had left me for the 10:30 bus home. I was left to wander the streets and wait in the cold for my taxi to come. There was heavy traffic to the city. The gruff voice of the cabbie had told me that I would be at least three quarts of an hour, till he would arrive in the car park.
    The bitter cold winds of the city twisted around me and nipped at my skin. I shivered and pulled my jacket around me tighter. I sat on the freezing wooden body of the city square bench. Drunken cheers of the rabble in the bar seeped from the cracks in the bright red door. I hoped none of them came out the pub while I was here. I planed a quick escape in case I did find myself in that Position.
   My eyes searched the buildings around me. A Gregg's was slowly shutting up for the night. The bars of the city alive with empty souls, drowning their troubles and sorrows in the bitter taste of alcohol. The high street shops filled with darkness now. Haunted by the memories of a busy day.
    A sudden bang woke me from my daydream, five drunk men staggered out the door way of the pub. I gripped the cold bench, my finger nails digging into the wood. They won't look at me, They won't even notice me, I told myself. I kept my head down and avoided the blurry eyes of the drunk men. The sound of their slurred voices got louder and their footsteps began to advance on me. I opened my eyes wide and quickly wiped my phone out.
     "Oh hey Mum, you're round the corner? Ah great! I'll just come round and see you now then." I said calmly into the unanswering phone. I got up and started walking away and out the corner of my eye I saw the men making their way in the other direction. When I was out of ear shot, I snapped my phone shut and shoved it in my pocket. My heart beat was racing, what if I hadn't though of that? I asked myself. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I did think of it and I'm fine, I reassures myself unconvincingly.
     I turned the corner and passed two homeless people, I hid in the shadows and went past unnoticed. so many people on the city streets were dangerous at this time of night. The clock in the middle of town chimed eleven times. I would make my way to the car park now and if he wasn't there I could wait. It was cold and the car park was isolated, which worried me. If someone screamed there no one would hear. would anyone even care? and even if someone did hear they would mistake it for a drug crazed scream or an alcohol filled cry. I realised this was the stupidest Idea I had had in a long time! I should have got on the 10:40 train home. The though of another unsteady train journey through the darkness had put me off. I hated trains, I don't know what it was about them but they just put me on edge. Big metal beasts that crashed along electric rails was never an attractive way to travel in my eyes.
    As I walked onto the darker back streets a shout from a group of chavs made my skin crawl. I shuddered. I didn't want to walk past them but what option did I have? there was no way I could go another way and I was so close to the car park now.
      A middle aged woman walked out of a house in the street, and said goodbye to what I'm guessing was a friend. I could only catch the woman say she would be okay and bid farewell to the hidden woman in the doorway. She walked fast up the road keeping her head down and passed the chavs silently and unnoticed. I followed her lead and sped up so I was following close behind. I felt better with another person walking near me. The chavs didn't look twice at us and I couldn't help but smile. I was nearly at the car park and I had managed to get through everything.
       The woman turned a corner. My heart sunk. The confidence I had gained from her almost guiding my way drifted from me and was lost in the wind. No! I cursed in my head as I carried straight on past the turning she had taken. I saw a pub with welcoming bright lights in the window another gang had claimed the steps of the pub. I turned my eyes to the ground and shivered again. I wished that the woman was still walking in front of me. I breathed slowly and silently walked past them. They completely ignored me and carried on with their pointless chatter. I allowed my self a small sigh of relief as I slowed my pace a little.
     Suddenly a sharp pain rung through my body and I felt something warm run down my back in a waterfall. I cried out in pain and then lost all the air in my lungs. I felt the pain come in waves and suddenly something else dug into me in my side this time. I screamed in pain but I could find no air to force it out with. The pain twisted inside and brought me to my knees. It pushed deeper scrapping against my ribs and ripping apart my lungs. The thing left me and warm liquid ran in hot streams down my back.

The moral is never judge a book by its cover, and always suspect the unsuspected.

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