dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

Tuesday 26 October 2010


RUN!! Please run!' she screamed. she scratched at the walls till her fingers bleed. The girl in the middle of the room wouldn't listen, soon she would understand.
     We stood united after death. We all looked the same, we had all suffered the same pain. The same pain which this girl would have to endure too. He had carved a smile into our faces. He wanted us to be happy when we died. Took our eyes so we couldn't see what he did to us. But we could feel it. They had tried to warn me. I didn't listen and look where that got me. I was hard not to feel sorry for that girl. As she walked out the room with him, she didn't know what we knew yet. He was the last to leave the room. The last thing he does is Look back at us, smiling. A smile that says, soon she'll be with you, soon she'll know. A smile that says 'I win'...

'I died here' He whispered.
'what?' A blond haired woman turned around in the passenger seat and stared at the little boy with shocked eyes. 'There in that field I died there' He said softly, a tear slipping down his pale face.
'No honey that can't be true,' she said glancing at her husband who gave her a worried look. 'You didn't die there because you're here with me and your daddy aren't you?' her warm voice tinted with concern.
His cold light blue eyes moved from the car window. 'You don't understand and I guess you never will,' he hissed through his teeth. Eyes filled with disgust and hate for her, he slowly looked out the window again. She looked at her husband again but this time he dropped his eyes. Silence filled the car. Screaming over the sound of the cars, speeding down the road near them.
   'Right!' the young man in the drivers seat said. 'we had better get your case out the boot,' he said to his wife and got out the car, walking round to open the boot. The woman swept out the car. Her long golden hair lifting in the breeze. She pulled her jacket tighter around herself and went to her husband. 'What was he talking about?' she whispered, her breath becoming white smoke in the air. 'I don't know Vicky, probably just trying to spook us hahaa I'm sure he'll be fine, this your first time saying over at my house, just enjoy yourself. I think you need to smile more!' He chuckled taking her hand.
'But Mark! what if..' Vicky started.
'It will be fine. smile' He laughed and squeezed her hand. She smiled and squeezed back. Underneath the smile she was worried, and from the pit of her stomach she had a bad feeling about all of this.
      'Do you big strong men want some lunch?' Vicky laughed.
'mmm sounds amazing honey,' Mark beamed kissing her as he came into the kitchen. Icy cold blue eyes watched them. Vicky looked into them guiltily.
          She didn't feel right to be here with her husbands kid. She has never even meet his child before! She knew it sounded weird. Her and Mark had had a secret wedding. He didn't want to force a new Mum on to Toby his child, but had wanted to get married. It was weird, she didn't know why she had agreed to marry him with out seeing his kid first. She would like to think that she would still have married him but Toby had taken a very big dislike to Vicky and seemed to try everything to come between her and Mark.

'Toby?' she whispered quietly entering her room. 'what are you doing in here with the light off?' She flicked the switch on. She gasped with horror. The room was covered in blood written messages. 'LEAVE NOW' 'GO NOW....WHILE YOU STILL CAN' 'BEFORE ITS TOO LATE' 'RUN!' Vicky was terrified and dropped to the floor unconscious.
  'Vicky? Vicky? are you okay?' Mark's voice swirled behind a cloudy face.
'what happened?' She murmured.
'oh Vicky, I came up here and you had passed out!' he cried. The memory of what she had seen before she had collapsed rushed to meet her. The smoke that had tainted her view cleared but the face was not that of Marks that she saw, it was a woman. Her eyes had been gouged out leaving black empty holes. Her mouth slit open at the sides. Her skin was stained in blood. 'ARRRGGHHHH!!!' Vicky screamed getting to her feet and backing against the wall. 'whats wrong,' the woman whispered with Mark's voice.
Vicky screamed again and closed her eyes tightly, sinking to the floor. She curled up into a ball and rocked herself. Hands over her eyes. 'Vicky! It's okay. Its me Vic's!' Mark comforted her. She slowly peered over the top of her sweating hands. She was meet by her husbands face. She gave a sigh of relief, bursting into tears and then collapsed into his arms. 'shh,' Mark whispered softly. 'Its okay now.' He gently rubbed her back, cuddling her tightly and softly kissing her head. 'its okay,' He repeated looking at Toby who half smiled back a him.
   She didn't recall much of the events after that. She was scared and confused. Mark made her a hot cup of tea and cuddled her on the sofa. She must have fallen asleep with him. She couldn't remember drifting off but she must have done because she one minute she was next to her Husband then next she's running for her life in a nightmare.

    she was on the sofa with Mark. Toby walked in and glared at her with hate filled eyes. 'Its time,' He whispered softly. The white walls of the room suddenly seemed to dance with a vile green colour. 'What?' Vicky said in a confused tone.
'Its time,' Toby repeated but this time a little louder. Vicky stared at him searching his face for answers. 'Its time!' Toby said even louder now.
'Stop it Toby, just stop it!' Vicky shouted at him, getting off the sofa clutching at her golden hair. 'Tell him to stop Mark!' She pleaded at Mark as Toby started chanting the words over ad over again.
   Mark looked up into his wife's eyes. She drew back in horror. his mouth was twisted into a smile showing his pure white sharpened teeth. His eyes wide and fixed on her. He looked at her with a lustful hunger. 'But its time,' Mark sang letting the words slip off his tongue. Lingering in the air in the room. 'Its time,' Mark and Toby Began chanting, getting louder and louder.
   Vicky backed away from the sofa. Switching her eyes between Mark and Toby. They weren't the people they were before. Their eyes had been swallowed up by darkness. All feeling and human emotion gone and just huge black holes in there place, that threatened to suck your soul dry. The were advancing getting closer and closer. She couldn't move she was too scared...
    Vicky never woke up, then again was she even asleep in the first place. I don't expect you to know what was running through her mind when she was slaughtered. The main thing was, she thought she would fight back. She had imagined things like that happening and when ever she imagined them she always fought back. She knows now that when someones hand is caressed around her throat, or when her so called husband is feeding off her blood, its not like she had imagined it. When she looked into the eyes of death she couldn't run, shout, move, she was paralysed with fear. I would like to say that she died a painless death, but I can't. I could lie and say that she fought a good fight.
I could lie and say she didn't scream.
at least I can say she died with a smile on her face....

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