dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

Saturday 16 October 2010

Till death do us part..

    "I promise I will always be with you,"... I remember that was the last thing he said. A whisper left in time not forgotten but slowly fading. I had to cling on to that moment. I promised him I would never let go and I wasn't about to let him down now. I would make sure we were together even if it meant doing what I feared most....
   The phone vibrated shaking the table at the side of the bed. It woke me up from a deep sleep where I was happy and warm. As I sat up and reached for the phone the cold settled on my skin and the darkness scratched at my eyes, willing me to adjust to the dim early morning light that was seeping through the window. I looked at my phone the light blinding my sleeping eyes. 5:50am one new text I smiled as I pressed view feeling much more awake... 'Meet me in 15mins by the park :) xxxxxxx'  The text read. I quickly texted back okay and rushed to get ready.
    5 minutes passed, I sat on the bed with socks in hand. My mind was racing nearly as fast as my heart was beating. Shivers of excitement running through me. I sneaked out the house, trying with all my effort not to make a single sound that would disturb the sleeping inside of the house. The stairs whispered a creak as I softly treaded down them. The house seemed to know i was awake. Questioning why I was up so early. The answer, I could not find but soon I would know.
   6:02am I was walking in the cold morning air now. The wind nipping at my clothes and hair. I pulled my jacket tighter around myself and walked on. Smiling.
   I stood by the tree which we always meet at. Its brown skin seeming lighter than the other trees. The gloom of the sky hidden by its wide arms covered with leaves. Soft warm hands suddenly covered my eyes. I jumped slightly back to be met by a warm body that seemed to fit to my shape. "Guess who,"  A familiar male voice whispered softly in my ear, sending warm shivers down my body. "Oh I have no idea," I replied sarcastically beaming with a cheesy grin. I felt the body move around to in front of me. "Well..." The comforting voice started but before he finished his lips were gently pressed against mine. I felt my heart beat speed up. Slamming against my ribs.His hands moved from my eyes down to my waist, pulling me towards him. Our bodies fitted together hearts beating as one, singing in perfect harmony....
     7am. We sat cuddled up together, our arms around each other. I could feel his warmth against me, oozing under my skin. We watched the sky in silence. The sun was just peeking above the land filling it with streaks of shocking pink, warm orange and deep blood reds. "Its beautiful," I whispered. I has intended to say it louder but the words slipped from me as I gazed at the shear wonder of the sight in front of me. "I know," He smiled, his eyes sparkling and shimmering in the light, even more beautiful that the sunrise itself. We kissed again.
   7:39. We had moved to a different spot now. The park was getting the early rush of dog walkers with bright eyes set on keeping their pooch happy. We stood on the edge of dead end cliff. A huge drop into the freezing waters below made me uncomfortable to stand to close to the edge. "I don't like standing here," I laughed nervously.
"Oh scared of falling hu?" He chuckled
"No!" I lied crossing my arms but smiling. He grinned back at me. Suddenly he grabbed me and pretended to push me over the cliff but keeping a tight grip on me. I screamed, clinging on to him and laughing.
   "April?" He purred stepping back from the edge of the cliff and gently pulling me with him. "yeah?" I asked looking into his beautiful diamond eyes. He smiled putting his hand on my cheek. "Promise you will be with me forever.. marry me April!" He exclaimed, diamond like eyes widening searching my eyes for an answer. "of course I will Tristan!" I cried throwing my arms around him. We stood swaying in the growing wind on top of the cliff.
   I guess we should have seen it coming. But I will always blame myself for what happened next. I could have done something to stop it. If I've just tried harder to hold on. I promised I would never let go...
  It happened fast. We were kissing eyes tightly shut and we must have swayed to far and suddenly there was a horrible cracking sound and next time I know I'm lying on the ground desperately clinging on to Tristan's hand, as he hangs struggling off the edge of the cliff. "I won't let go I promise Tristan! I'll never let go," I howled through the now suddenly violent wind. The wind tore at out flesh, stinging my already flooding eyes. I could see through my tears he was clutching my hand tears streaming down his face. I couldn't bear it. My arm screamed in agony, straining to hold his weight. "you can't hold on baby," Tristan whispered. "I can, I will hold on!" I screamed in desperation.
"let go April, you can't take the strain" He uttered quietly through a dry throat.
"No!" I shrieked in hysterics now... I saw his eyes die right then the hope faded from them and all that remained was pure fear and love. "let go" He repeated softly this time smiling through tears. "its okay baby, I promise I will always be with you," as he said this he let his grip on my hand loosen. My whole body was shaking now, numb from the wind. all my muscles were cying in pain and frustration. I gave one final effort to pull him up but I could barley lift my own body off the damp ground. I could feel my grip on him slip "I love you," I whispered as my hand gave way and let him go. As he fell the fear in his eyes drifted into the wind and as he soundlessly whispered back 'I love you too' love pooled into his eyes.
    My hand out stretched towards him hoping some how he would just suddenly be there again. Our eyes locked and he smiled as his body body slammed against the water like a china doll. he disappeared under the black water. My eyes searched for anything to tell me he was still alive. Nothing. I was torn apart by grief. I could feel my body burning but I ignored it and stood against my body's will.
   I said I would never let go and I wouldn't especially when he needed me the most now. I stared down into the dark pit of water. He could still be alive right?  its been less than 30 seconds since he hit the water, A person can survive for 7 minutes without breathing. 7 Minutes before his heart stops beating and his body shuts down forever. I took a deep breath and jumped....
  The wind rushing past me gave me company on the way down. I could almost feel it twist around my fingers as if holding my hand. I silently feel to my death I didn't scream like I expected myself to do. To tell the truth It was almost relaxing to be falling and leaving the world. The freezing water brought me back to life and made me breath for the first time since my feet left the ground.
   The cold made my aching body scream even worse than before. I tried to look above the water for Tristan but the dark water seemed to have no depth. I took a huge gasp of air and swept under the water. A scared girl determined to follow her beloved anywhere even to a place where hearts beat no longer. The cold water bite into me ripping away at my flesh like a thousand freezing silver blades cutting into me.
  Through the pain I kicked past it all and pushed myself on. I outstretched my arms feeling for anything as I couldn't see through the murky black waters. my hands scrabbled on rock as I came to the bottom. My muscles thanked God that this was a shallow part of the sea. I searched around, my lungs were now burning and weakening by the second. I whirled in circles scrambling along the sand and rock in blind panic. My Lungs started to cry out in anger demanding air. I swallowed down dry salver hoping that would make my lungs hold out. My fumbling hands fell upon a body, still slightly warm. I would have given a sigh of relief by I had no air left and my lungs were jolting inside me. I pulled the body up, found his mouth and pressed my lips against his and pushed the last of the air trapped in the depths of my lungs into his. I felt his hand move and clutch softly at me. I had nothing left inside me now. In a stupid panic I breathed opening my mouth and letting water gush into my lungs. I chocked on the water but hauled Tristan up on my shoulder and kicked hard. I had to get him out no matter what. I could see the faint light above the water. Even more water surged down my windpipe. I was two kicks away from the surface now. My lungs stopped trying, giving into the icy waters. everything stopped and I could feel the world slipping away from me. Darkness clouded the light of the surface. I was looking into the eyes of death and It wasn't painful as I had imagined it.
       Through the darkness a light shone through. The brightest light I had ever seen. It blinded me as if burning through my eyes. "don't let go!" I heard a familiar male voice scream from above me. I tightened my grip and realised I was holding someones hand. The light suddenly rushed to meet me and I felt warm lips move from my mouth as I coughed and splutter up gallons of water. I opened my eyes and although everything was slightly blurry I could tell Tristan was leaning over me. His eyes wide with shock and panic. I swallowed and felt my throat burn. "April are you okay?" he wheezed trying to catch his breath. "I think so," I whispered through a dying voice. His face washed with relief and he dropped next to me on a rock by the side of the cliff. "what happened?" I asked panting as I slowly regained breath. "I fell and you came in after me," I turned my head to see him smiling at me. "but we never got out the water I let go," I said confused my head spinning slightly. "you gave me air April," He laughed "And when I felt you go limp in the water I had just enough energy and air to get us both to the surface,"
"oh.. That means you saved my life!" I beamed.
"I was just returning the favour honey" He laughed. I laughed too and squeezed his hand. He squeezed back.
  "I love you Tristan," I whispered and cuddled up to his soaking wet body.
"I love you too April," He smiled and we both closed our eyes and left the cold behind, into the light we walked holding hands, together forever till death do us part.

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