dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

Friday 8 October 2010

under a dying sky

The sky crashed down on to the streets filling then up with broken dreams and discarded human bodies. Memories faded with their eyes as the air swept from them and left them with only death to breath in. Under the shards of shattered sky you could hear the cries from the damned. That's what they named us because no one could save the damned, and no one could save us. Many screamed for help, a waste of air, clinging on to the hope someone would find them, help them, save them. It was useless. Pointless. I lay under the rubble thinking of how long It would take for the air to run out under here. When would I gasp for breath but no air would fill my lungs. I hoped that death would come quickly and silently. I just wanted to be free from this hell and it seemed the only way was to find an escape through death.
  The world was hurting you could hear it. my face pressed against the ground I started to hear things I wouldn't have imagined. Moans and shudders from the earth. Sometimes I think it was crying. weeping into the night, silently but I could still hear its muffled sniffs and sobs. I never though of the world to be like a father or mother but really that's what it is. A distrot mother crying over her lost children. The world cried for those who were dead, those who denied that death was coming, the hopefuls and the dying. the world cried for me.
   You have no real record of time under here. And you can't tell if its day or night as its always pitch black. At what I thought to be night sleep never came. the sky pressing down on me became painful and the agony of this drove me crazy. I couldn't move. Couldn't sleep. Couldn't kill my self. I was completely trapped with no escape. How I tried to move, just to move a finger but my muscles ached and would scream in protest at the mere thought of movement.
  The world had become silent, I strained my ears for the faintest sound of sobbing but nothing. Not only that but the screams and moans from in the rubble had died. This could mean only three things. 1.they had finally realised that no help was coming 2.they had all lost their voices and could only mime the words now or 3.They had run out of air and now I was the only one left. I felt an anger inside of me hating the people that had so easily left this torture. Left me to sufferer alone. I cried....
   I had never cried before and I never did again. It felt good to cry, letting the pain wash out of me as I felt the earth beneath me lap up my pain, anger and sorrow and it gently rocked me to sleep.
   I could feel the warmth on my face like a thousand suns all glowing down on me. I had been so cold trapped under the sky, this is amazing. I let the warmth fill every part of me, taking it all in until all the heat was just about to burst through my skin cracking my bones open. This warmth grew to a steady heat and then to a burning fire and then to a raging furnace. The heat scratched at my skin tearing at my eyes. I could feel my skin dripping off my bones turning to liquid. The pain ran through my veins and swiped at my heart every time it passed by. It felt as if I was being torn apart from the inside out.
     I remember thinking ,when I was little, about heaven. I use to wonder what it was like and how do you get there. I guess I though heaven would be a place in the sky with lots of fluffy clouds and halos and wings...but its not. I know how you get here too. I though that maybe you have to go through the sun to get here but you don't turns out you don't have to go that far...
   I'm sitting on the sky now looking at my lifeless body. I look relaxed now lying there face against the earth eyes closed. Listening. I though the world was sobbing how wrong I was. I know the truth now. For I am one of the damned who wonders this place they call heaven. we all sit under the ground and cry. we cry for the living, those who deny that death is coming, the hopeful and the dying. And most of all we cry for you...

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