dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Weeping Willow

The sun gently touched the hard ground, giving it a loving golden glow. The snow that had fallen in the cold night had wrapped the world in its icy grasp and frozen the heart of the world into a faded beat. Trees slept naked and cold under white blankets. Frozen tear drops clung to the weeping street lamps, who silently begged for the night to return. Confused birds started helplessly at frozen lakes, claimed by the weathers icy wrath. The sun rise bathed the sky in deep pinks and red. The backdrop for a lone figure standing by a dying tree, clutching a bunch of wilted yellow flowers.    In his heart he knew it was over and just like the trees drop their leaves he must drop her from his heart. He leaned against the rough skin of the tree, feeling it groan under his weight. How could forget her skin on his? her warmth next to him? the way he loved her? The list went on taking away more hope as it went. As far as he could see there was no light waiting for him. Nothing to revive his broken heart. No hope left. Only a bittersweet existence trapped in a life he no longer wanted.
   This young body was ready to rest. To lie in the frozen earth, hidden from the living. The aching grew in his bones and made him fall to his knees before the tree. The cold setting in his blood and winding its way to his shattered heart. He wanted to scream for help but saw no point. He welcomed death as he fell into its cloaked arms. His body fading into the dirt. Silent once more.
     The sun rose into the sky, scattering glitter on the snowy ground and making beads of sweat appear on snowmen faces. The world was now awake. A couple slowly walked through the glistening snow, holding hands and gently bumping into each other now and then. They stopped by the tree, staring at the small faded golden plaque nailed into its think skin. The man read aloud 'The lone lover who lost his love to another, rests under this tree' The woman when as white as the snow and pulled him on. 'Lets go' she whispered 'Its freezing out here' The man took on last look at the tree and slowly walked on.
   Twilight fell onto the land, hiding the sun for the night. A light wind picked up and a gentle dusting of snow drifted from the dimming sky. A dying tree stood alone. A golden plaque nailed through its heart, encrypted with its soul and a bunch of wilted yellow flowers hung from its arms. lightly swaying in the wind.

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