dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

Thursday 23 December 2010

The new improved tale of Christmas

Christmas holidays are here and you know what that means!! Alcohol, party's and sex! yes that's right the teens of our society are doing that at this very moment. So if every second a baby is born, in every two seconds a drunk student throws up. Merry Fucking Christmas! But for some people Christmas holidays can be seen as more of a depressing time. With all these late night party's going on, at least one person is going to feel the full wrath of other peoples Christmas spirits. 'But how can Christmas be bad!' I hear you cry. You want an example of how Christmas can be bad! then sit back, grab a mince pie and let me tell you a story of when a good Christmas goes bad!...

  Once upon a time there was a handsome young collage student called Tristan. He wasn't feeling in the Christmas mood at all and he was going through difficult times. Not even the thought of making ginger bread houses with his brother seemed to put a smile on his face. His friends noticed that he was down and decided why not have a party! Tristan was of course very happy, one because he knew he was going to get totally wasted and second because he hadn't been to on in over two days!
   So that frosty Christmas holiday night the gang set off on their adventures. Everything was going great. There was alcohol, everyone was laughing and Tristan was happy. The gang decided to go back to one of the other peoples houses as the mother of the boys house they were at had started getting edgy about having 5 drunk and rowdy male students, and 4 innocent young girls in her house, and she couldn't sleep because of the sound of one member of the gang throwing up all the time.
   So the adventure continued. Down the street, past the spar and up the road to one of the girls houses. Although Tristan was having fun, singing drunk versions of I whip my hair in the middle of town, something had started to change. It seemed like one of the guys had started ignoring him and by the time they had got to the second house and were having more drink, nearly all of them had stopped noticing he was there. Very soon Tristan was reduced to sitting in a corner as the others talked on about past memories and excluded him from all conversation.
   Of course Tristan was getting pretty fed up with all this and he found himself drifting back into the arms of depression. He plucked up some courage and spoke up. Making a witty and very funny joke about a statement one of the girls had said but as if like they were to stupid to understand they looked at him with eye brows raised. To save him self from loneliness he decided to text someone and found his fingers texting to his ex. He got up and walked out the room. They gang were so wrapped up in their own little world they didn't even see him leave the room.
    Once he was on his own, he started to get worried. Hoping that they would come in and welcome him back but no luck. After a half hour of texting and switching between rooms, he rang his ex. He told her the whole story of his Christmas nightmare and how he wished it would end. Of course she tried to cheer him up and make him smile his cute smile, which she missed so much. Although he was drunk and she was extremely tired and talked no sense he found himself feeling slightly happier. After an hour or two on the phone he bid her Goodnight and rejoined the gang.
   When he walked back in he found that they had all passed out naked on the floor. He threw up when he saw how disgusting their bodies were, he wondered how any parent could possibly live with a child that was that messed up on the outside and inside. He couldn't even tell which were the girls and which were guys. Tristan really wanted to go home but instead he curled up under a bed as far away as possible from the pile of naked bodies and went to sleep.
   In the morning he got out the house as soon as he could and ran away to the bus stop, for a quick get away. Once he was home, he though he could forget about his horrific night and just relax. He had a nice hot bath to rid of the stench of last night. After his bath he smelt amazing, just like he usually does and he decided to go on the laptop.
   The minute he logged on to Facebook he was met by a million messages from his so called 'friends'. These messaged consisted of lies and abuse. One of the girls started talking to him on msn and started making up lies of how he had called them cunts. Well Tristan was outraged! He had not only not called them cunts but he also had a witness to this, his ex who he had been on the phone to! The lies didn't stop there but the sluttiest girl called him a prick for calling them cunts and that they hadn't been ignoring him. Tristan fought back with sharp witted come backs and the power of the truth, but it was impossible for one guy to take on an army of sluts and fags no matter now amazing he is.
   The day slowly faded and so did the cleverness of Tristan's 'friends' arguments. They repeated the same thing against his many valid arguments and called him childish for standing up for himself. Tristan decided enough was enough so he told them to fuck off. They all had turned their backs on him so why the hell shouldn't he turn his back on them!
   This situation made something rise within him and claw at his insides. He started to wish he was dead....

   This is prime example of how Christmas can go bad but! at Christmas there is 'magic' in the air and with it it brings hope. No one is allowed to feel sad on Christmas! Its a rule that Santa himself made up and with it he hired ninjas to spread the Christmas spirit.

   Tristan was just about to turn the laptop off and give up all hope when suddenly he got a message from a ninja! who was in fact his ex! Tristan decided to stay on a little longer to see what she had to say. When he told her he wanted to die, her ninja powers took action and she first tried to make him laugh but this didn't work... She went through every happiness procedure in the Christmas ninja guide book but nothing seemed to work. so tired and frustrated she took off her ninja mask and spoke from her true self. And what do you know, it worked!
     She used her Ninja powers to find him some new friends for collage and showered him in a hundred billion Internets. And very soon he was making a ginger bread house with his brother. Now that's what I call a very merry Christmas.

Tristan is actually the most amazing person you could ever meet! These people in the story are total pricks that don't know what perfect is even if he's sat drinking with them. You can't be sad at Christmas and sluts and fags are nothing to get upset over. And in the words of Bob Marley, every little thing is gonna be alright.

And as our story concludes the fitting end to such a tale can only be!...
'They all lived happily ever after and Tristan was the winnrar!

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