dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

Thursday 20 January 2011

Skin deep

You know that girl that always seems fine, the one who smiles and laughs with her friends and acts like her life is great. That girl that people get on well with. That girl, isn't fine.
     Shes standing in front of the mirror questioning her self. Looking at the scars that run up her broken body. Her ribs stick out under her paper like skin, no meat clung to her bones nor did it bless her body with shape, she was a skeleton wrapped in her tattered skin. Marks and scars on her body that she wishes she could remove. The worst thing she sees in her reflection is the stains on her body. The stains that haunt her a night and gnaw at her insides until she is crying in pain. She tried so hard to clean the stains off, but they never leave. She stands looking at her inner self and feels self loathing, she blames her self for everything. It was her fault and she must live with the stains and wounds she created.
   Looking deeper under the skin, her shame is entwined amongst her bone, where no one can find the things she did. her tears are locked in her heart resting in piles of shattered pieces of her self confidence and trust. A mass of sticky black goo oozed from her organs, a goo filled with with a secret that she found hard to live with. The goo would reside inside her until the night when it seeped out of her lungs and liver, twisting its self round her heart and making her self loathing grow to new heights. A goo that her parents thought she had forgotten about, something that grew and grew until she wanted to cut it out of her body just to make it stop and go away.
    You know that girl that seems like her life is great, if you saw her true reflection in her mirror you would see that girl that seems so cool, is slowly dying inside...

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