dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

Tuesday 10 August 2010

what I wake up too...

its 1pm and I've just woke up. I go down stairs and sit for a while. Mum walks in 'Did you sleep well?'
'Yeahh,' I reply tiredly.
'Ahh good, I'm glad you have caught up on some sleep,' she smiles
'ermm well actually I didn't catch up that much,' I look away regretting I had opened my mouth.
'How so? did you go to bed late or something?' she asks raising one eyebrow.
'hmm yes I went to bed at 6am...' I sit waiting for her OMG reply.
'God! what the hell, I bet you were on that stupid laptop, its bloody ridiculous, you can't stay up till times like that!' she shouts my Dad and tells him.... Great.
He gets mad and then stupidly says tonight when they go to bed the broadband is getting unplugged, he walks off mumbling stuff about me being stupid.
   Right I'm not impressed at all, I don't get why parents think going to bed late is stupid! Just because they get tiered at like 7pm doesn't mean that teenagers do. And they have no idea what I was doing last night, for all they know I could have been writing up secret documents for the government! or stopping a friend from committing suicide... I wasn't but that's not the point!
   Its not fair that an adult can stay up till whatever time they want but when one little panda wants too, oohh noo! you can't do that, even though you don't have to get up for anything tomorrow you have to go to bed god damn early! Its stupid and ageist! and I also reckon not letting a teenager stay up is an act of child abuse!
   I'm so annoyed right now about this! Ooo and then Mum had the nerve to say when you go to bed that late this is why you get up at 1pm. 'NO! for your information I always get up at this sort of  time regardless of what time I go to bed. I could go to bed at 7pm and get up at 2pm. I was just about to storm off upstairs but Dad walks in front of me and says in a nice happy voice 'do you want some dinner?!'
What!!! another thing I don't understand is that one minute he can be all in a stress with me and the next really casual and willing to make me dinner! I'm serious adults have some real bloody issues.
    hmm well I'm fed up of parents bossing me around and controling all my actions, but they don't know what goes on behind closed doors! well I'm just gonna be glad when I get out of here and leave this hell hole. So I conclude that adults are weird things that need to think about there daughters feelings. Oh and If the broadband does for some reason get unplugged to night, ITS GETTING PLUGGED BACK IN!!!
over and out guuyysss

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