dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

dark angles, stupid posts, words to touch the soul and me Little Pandaa

Sunday 29 August 2010

The letter of the burning heart..

I sat watching the flames eat in to the last of the memories
licking the feelings out of the pictures and places and setting them free
in a black cloud of smoke
The choking smell in the air had settled in my lungs
I only saw you as I sat there watching the flames
So easy to take  life..
Life a strange word,
powerful to the eye but when you delve deeper into the word you see so much more
how delicate the balance is
to see it fall apart when a tiny little flame is is pushed alongside
I though hard about how to do this..
how it should happen.
I wanted you dead, wanted you to pay make you suffer like you made me
and then I remembered...
The look on your face when you though I would die
I wanted to see that look again
how I wanted you to look and cry knowing it was your fault
I though fire would be best..
I heard you choke on ash before the heat kills you
and I liked the way it hurt
because all the pain meant for one second I would have you back
You would be mine again
a life would be lost.. but out of the ashes something new would be made
And I laughed... my last moments in the flames I was laughing on black smoke
feeling it twist inside me and grip my heart.
Death was easy..

I stood and walked out
past the firemen on the stairs
and the screaming people outside
and stopped in front of you..
tear filed eyes as you gripped the letter I had wrote to you
'too late' I whispered in your ear, kissed your cheek and then
I was gone..


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